
SnarkyJS (elementary concepts)

  • Overview of SnarkyJS / O1js

  • Basic concepts

    • Fields

    • Handling accounts & Public private keys

    • Assertions

    • Smart Contract

    • @method decorator

    • State

    • @state

    • Posseidon function

Brief explanation of a zkApp architecture in the context of a hello world smart contract

  • examples covered

    • Square

    • Square with private input

  • explain the program flow

    • tie in how prover and verifier functions work here

    • tie in how the above basic o1js concepts fit into the application

Setting up the dev environment

  • zkcli

    • installation

    • project setup

    • project structure explaination

Coding a hello world smart contract

  • Writing the smart contracts

  • Walkthrough of smart contracts

Deploying it on testnet

  • wallet setup

  • getting testnet tokens from the faucet

  • deploy the contracts on testnet

Interacting with it

  • run smart contracts to demonstrate each functionality

Last updated